Wednesday, January 31, 2007

the number nine.

have you ever stopped in your tracks and thought, what the hell am i doing?

last friday i got up in front of ALL the primary/junior candidates and did a mock interview session with four school principals. i don't actually know what i was thinking. i made the decision instantaneously, so i didn't have time to doubt it. it didn't want to, but that was exactly why i made myself do it - i wanted to challenge myself with the learning experience. primarily, i put myself through this tortuous situation to prepare for next weekend. the teaching overseas recruiting fair (torf) is in 9 days.

NINE days?!

nine days until i potentially get a job anywhere. there are schools coming from thailand, panama, egypt, guatemala, brazil, germany etc... the possibilities are endless. i haven't doubted for a second my decision to go overseas next year. but, i won't lie, i have a crazy mixture of emotions going through my mind about it: excitment, nerves and curiosity. where will this adventure take me? will i get any interviews? what will my school be like? what grade will i get? will i even get a job?

deep down i know that whatever decision i make will be the right one for me at this point in my life. phew. however, it still scares the living daylights out of me!

i am trying to remain calm and balanced about the whole experience, but it is pretty nuts when you start researching schools everywhere from uganda to bangladesh.

i'll keep you posted.


ginny said...

Honey! You'll be wonderful. I will be around Monterrey all next weekend if you want to reach me by phone/email anything. You are going to be AMAZED at how many places are going to want to chat with you.

erin! said...

oooooooooooooh. i agree with gin. i will also be around but on that saturday i am going up to a finca (cottage, farm) with some cisvers and diegs.
we will be back sunday. let´s talk pre/post.
i love you

Brianna said...

good luck Flem!

They're going to love you. How exciting that your future is ... well, starting :)

Let me know how it goes. Local teaching jobs and interviews are SO much more mundane
