Tuesday, February 10, 2009

random things.

i decided to give in to this 25 random things, but to publish it here and not on facebook... sneaky, sneaky!

1. i absolutely love to blog and write, but lately, i haven't been able to find the time. i'd love to publish a travel book.

2. i find the strangest things the most satisfying: reading a magazine cover to cover, walking on a moving sidewalk at the airport, using a pen until it runs out of ink, finishing a jug of milk.

3. i like teaching, but i still feel like i haven't found my true passion in life. i have a few ideas as to what it might be, but since i'm not completely sure which one to choose... i'm going to stick with teaching for now.

4. my relationships rarely seem to end on my own terms.

5. i have lived in mexico for a year and a half, and am still embarrassed by my spanish.

6. i don't believe in bringing marking home. in fact, i don't believe in marking at all.

7. i don't think i could ever get bored of traveling and seeing the world. i can't wait to one day go hiking in new zealand, go back to morocco with my dad, take my mom on an african safari, see the pyramids in egypt, travel with alyssa, hike the inca trail, lie on the beach in thailand and find a partner who wants to do all of this with me.

8. i always said that when i got skinny, i would get a belly button ring. i don't think i'll ever be skinny; but i still want the belly button ring.

9. i once cheated on a test in grade 7 by writing the answers on my pencil case. i've always felt guilty about that. i once also got caught red-handed stealing money from my mom's purse. i've always felt stupid about that.

10. i can't stand banana's or mayonnaise. i think their taste and textures (particularly bananas) are offensive.

11. i have always wanted to be able to play the guitar around a campfire and take pictures beautiful enough to be in national geographic.

12. i love my life in mexico, but miss my friends desperately. i have a nagging insecurity that the longer i'm gone, people will start forgetting about me.

13. i think comfortable pillows are one of the most important things in life. i mean, we spend a third of my day on them! yet so many pillows are thin and lumpy, not plush and comfy. it is one of my missions in life to find a pillow that actually remains comfortable for more then a few months.

14. it frustrates me that the world has become so fast-paced. i would love to sit down and read the newspaper every day, catch up on blogs, write e-mails to all my nearest and dearest, spend 30 minutes reading before bed, sleep 8 hours a night; yet, i am spending the bulk of my days either getting ready for work, working, coming home from work, or tutoring. in this busy over-scheduled world we have created, we seem to have neglected the most important thing: ourselves.

15. i don't understand airplanes at all. it completely amazes me that a big metal cylinder can actually fly. to me it is all magic: they put us in an airplane, shake us around a bit, feed us some shit food and then switch the scenery outside.

16. i'll be in mexico for another year, and then i'm going to move on to a new adventure in a new country. for some reason, i see myself in asia. but the options are endless.

17. my year at 454 frontenac and our chair dancing, tea-making and best girly friends (e-way, caro & ktq) holds some of my dearest memories. i would fly anywhere in the world to see those girls.

18. i failed more classes in university then anyone knows.

19. if walkhome could have been a full-time job, i think i would have done it forever. i've never laughed more, cried more, played board games more, or met so many people in one place that i connected with. it was my niche at queen's.

20. i have a little dog named kahla that i adopted here in mexico. she's adorable, and i love her. she learned to sit on command within a week or two. but... i'll always have a soft spot in my heart for my golden retriever at home, emma. emma is 11. i worry that emma will die and that my parents will be afraid to tell me.

21. i don't have nearly as much self-restraint or focus as i like to think. i still bite my nails. i often can't say no to social events. i skip the gym when i'm tired, even though i know it will have a positive effect. i eat when i'm stressed or anxious.

22. i sometimes still fall asleep with the light on, even though it always drove my parents crazy.

23. i am the heaviest sleeper you will ever meet. a hurricane/tempest/avalanche/riot/evacuation could be happening all at once outside my window and i would sleep right through. i also am a sheet-stealer.

24. i adore lattes, my mom's lasagna, reading in the sun, being in a warm climate, red wine, watching movies, being an imperfect isabelle.

25. sometimes i think i think too much.

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