Monday, July 23, 2007

great lakes great times.

i am in kalamazoo, michigan. seriously. it is hard to believe a place with a name like this actually exists, but it does.

we left early this morning from my cottage after a weekend of AMAZING weather, waterskiing, margaritas and trivial pursuit. there were a few tears (surprisingly not shed by me), but i felt good as we pulled out of the driveway. we were both a bit tired as we had had a late night trivial pursuit match, but shared the driving and the day went off without any trouble.

the car is packed full. and i mean full. my biggest fear was that we were going to get stopped at the border and it would have taken us five hours to get everything back in. poor dean had no idea what he was getting himself into when he offered to drive me to mexico! luckily, crossing the border took all of fifteen seconds. we only got asked if we had food or booze. do homemade cookies count, i wondered?

we flew to sarnia, but i was really excited to get into the states, because i felt that would mean my adventure had really begun. however, michigan looks JUST LIKE southern ontario! trees, some rolling hills, some flat parts. apart from some ugly billboards, and signs that say FOOD, GAS, LODGING at every exit you wouldn't even know we were in the US. we were packed in so tightly into the car - i felt bad (again) for dean because all of his leg room is taken up by my handbags full of books, cd's, knitting etc. i'm going to have to work on that for tomorrow. except the lack of any free inch of space could cause a challenge.

we'll spend the evening in kalamazoo, probably just having dinner, watching a movie and getting an early night so that we can get up bright and early to hit the highway for chicago. more tales from the road soon!

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