Wednesday, July 18, 2007

all that you can't leave behind.

as my leaving day approaches (up to the cottage on friday, leave for mexico on monday), i have been more observant of the people/places/things that i will miss the most while living abroad. i have moved away from home before; but this is different. not only am i moving houses, but i am also moving countries, lifestyles, languages... the list goes on. i am not worried about missing family and friends, because i know i will be in regular contact over the phone and e-mail. it is the little things that frighten me, that will create voids in me that i am not sure can be filled in mexico.

i will miss...
conversations with sales associates and cab drivers.
being able to sit in chapters for hours and buying english books.
red heads.
cheap, addictive coffee.
my dad bringing me cheap, addctive coffee.
my car. or, perhaps i should say, freedom of movement and transportation.
having my golden retriever greet me at the door. and her little puppy dog eyes that trick me into giving her treats.
reading the paper every morning.
tall people.
a (fairly) efficient and reliable mailing system.
downtown ottawa.

however, i will not miss...
my single bed.
the price of gas.
the winter.
the box stores in barrhaven.

things are gradually coming together for the trip, and i have been relatively worry free. dean, on the other hand, (the other teacher that i am driving to mexico with) was rear-ended yesterday and spent the day dealing with the logistics of getting his car fixed in time for us to leave. luckily, dean (and his car!) should be in good shape to leave bright and early monday morning. four days left. yowzers.

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