Tuesday, April 10, 2007

the same but different.

when you travel to different countries, you realize that in many ways, people and places are similar, despite our vast geographical and cultural differences. however, there are always some glaringly obvious differences between us (certainly not as human beings, but more so in our habits and customs that make us all unique).

some of the 'unique' observations i made about colombia and colombians:

-pairing jean jackets with jeans is *somehow* in style. my mom and dad would fit in.
-there are never seatbelts in the backseat of cars. i guess they figure there is no window for us to be launched through.
-people eat chicken wings with plastic gloves on. no finger lickin' good here!
-everyone shortens their names. example: juan manuel becomes juanma. here: sarah elizabeth would become sarel. somehow not as cute.
-the elevation in bogota means shortness of breath climbing stairs. lesson number 4,592 for not smoking.
-traffic jams in the country are caused by cows. i am seriously not joking. i saw.
-some people turn off their cars at red lights to conserve energy (that is when they actually stop).
-light switches are in the oddest of places and impossible to find. you would think they would have some sort of system.
-there are rules for how many days a week people can drive their cars. some are only allowed five out of seven.
-under all tables at restaurants and bars, there are hooks for women to hang their purses. smart idea.
-children are given both their mom and dad's last name, and women rarely change their names. in theory, it is possible for a child to be named carlos gonzales gonzales if both of their parents had the same last name. slightly incestuous, but cool.
-i saw carrots the size of a pear. and beans the size of asparagus.
-children ride bikes that are about fifteen sizes too big for them.
-no one is on time. the colombian clock is more of a fluid concept.
-a large coffee is the size of a medium or a small here in canada. but boy is it ever good!
-it is impossible to pour a beer without four inches of head. i blame it on the altitude.
-i found a jewellery store that is packed up every evening because it doubles as their garage.
-violent kung-fu or hit-em-up movies are always played on bus rides between cities. could we not think of something less threatening?
-all comfortable and well-off people have a maid.
-people nickname is each other 'fatty' even when they are not.
-in bogota, you can pass a mercedes and then a donkey pulling a cart within two minutes of each other.
-police presence is high. they are standing on every street corner.
-you can buy everything you need at red lights: newspapers, tea towels, breakfast. practically anything for home or work.
-you can also get served at your seat on bus rides: vendours come onto buses, sell goodies and run off before the bus starts moving again.
-they talk faster than i do. if you can believe it.

you should also check out erin's blog for some other funny things that happened to us during our week of fun.


Irish Tim said...

How can we check out Erin's blog without a link??

And you call yourself organised.


sarah. said...

you effer.
be nice.
i don't know how to put links in yet.
teach me, ok?