Tuesday, June 06, 2006

small world.

i have arrived in nice and spent a looong day sunning on the pebble beach. i have to admit that i have ignored the museums and monuments, and decided to make the beach my first priority for two days.

as i have been travelling, i have been struck by how massive the world is. not just people-wise, but the diversity of landscapes and cultures, and the fact that it all exists each day as i live my own life. you begin to realize that in comparison, one life is insignificant in the grand scheme of of the world.

but then, just when i was convinced that the world was too big, and i was feeling really unconnected to home, i had a surprise encounter in the avignon train station. i was sitting waiting for my train to come, and a group of young backpackers walks by, and one of them looked vaguely familiar. we looked at each other for a minute, because it was completely out of context -- but it was a friend from red pine camp! we reminisced for a few moments, took a picture, and then went our seperate ways. it was really refreshing to see someone familiar.

now i am convinced that the world is not so big after all.

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