Thursday, May 18, 2006

boots of spanish leather.

after being in spain for five days now, i thought i would offer some general impressions. my dad flew over and joined me, and we have tackled the streets of madrid, and the alleys of seville.

1. everyone talks so fast! i mean, i thought i spoke fast - but nothing like this. even after taking a class in spanish (kinda) i only catch about every twentieth word. when they talk to us, we just stare blankly and look dumbfounded in a deer in headlights kind of way.

2. on the other hand, everyone walks damn slow. wandering or meandering through the streets, no one seems to have anywhere in particular to go, or anything important to do. or, if they do, they don´t seem to be overly concerned about getting there on time. (hmmm. that rings a bell with someone in my life... ahem. mum) whereas i am accustomed to cities like new york and toronto where everyone is on a mission, and if you stop for even a second you get mauled by the crowds.

3. time is on a different schedule. from 2-5, the daily siesta, everything closes for a long lunch, naps or conversation. then, the streets are empty for a few hours before dinner which doesn´t start until 10! works well for night owls like me, and dad likes it because he gets his much-needed nap.

4. food is delicious. whoever thought of tapas, sangria, and paella is a genius. i haven´t yet found anything that i don´t like, except, have they never heard of decaf?

5. the per capita number of priests in madrid is disturbingly high. every few blocks, a priest, a nun, or a cardinal walks by. dad has lots of friends in spain.

6. spanish men are short. i don´t think i will find my dream man here.

7. seville is the hottest city i have ever been in. alex warned me that i may melt, but man, it is SO hot. you sweat from everywhere, and i seriously mean everywhere! i love it, because i find the heat rejuvenating, but i worry that my dad may have heatstroke.

8. seville seems more passionate and vibrant than madrid. could be the heat.

on to morocco tomorrow. we´ll be on the overnight marrakech express.

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