Monday, September 14, 2009

3rd time's a charm.

this is my third year living in mexico. it is full of lots of firsts, and missing faces, and new adventures. the best part is that i finally feel at home in mexico. a place that i both love and hate. i've been taking my dog for walks these days, and as i walk, i think about what i've learned in this beautiful/crazy/unexpected country. here are a few things i've been thinking lately.

-if you smell something foul in the street, walk far, far, far in the other direction.
-the car wash men will still try to scam you into a car wash even when it is clearly going to downpour within minutes.
-mexicans are wonderful at using their four-way flashers. so good, in fact, that as soon as cars slow down ahead, they have put their four-way emergency flashers on before their brakes!
-there are more sushi restaurants in san pedro then taco stands! (not true, but it feels that way sometimes... too bad my boyfriend doesn't love sushi)
-don't read the local paper. because if you do, you'll know all the stuff that you don't want to know, and stop living in comfortable ignorant bliss.
-always clean up the dog shit up before it rains. especially if your backyard is made of concrete.
-i have learned that mexican people come out at night. and really, its quite logical. it is so darn hot here during the day!
-when a mexican party says it starts at 7, the host won't even be there until 8. and you won't see a lick of food until 11:30.
-the quincenera, the young mexican girls' coming of age party, costs almost as much as a wedding - and is almost as big of a deal.
-there is this brilliant thing here that the stoplights do. the green flashes warning, before it turns to yellow. i think it just gives people more time to speed up and push through the intersection, but it also is a smart idea!

1 comment:

Steph said...

That's really funny about the sushi, because the constant going out for sushi is one of the things I miss most... plus it's just not as special when you don't have to specify "sin limon" in your soy sauce.