Thursday, April 17, 2008

an open letter.

an open letter to any parents of children who...
a) are not as financially responsible as you would love
b) are still paying off debt
c) are growing up.

there seems to be a nagging fear amongst parents of twentysomethings that we're not doing alright. they know we're happy, independent, globally minded individuals, but that isn't what i mean. they are worried that our spending habits are not responsible, and as a result will go bankrupt before the age of 30, soon followed by a long and painful adulthood alone in a shack. you laugh, but its true. (while i know this to be true with my parents, i know they are also not alone in these sentiments).

but seriously: think about it. the kids are going to be alright. at least the large majority of us. and actually, if we're not alright, we'll have to dig our own way out of the hole we fell into. how is it that a generation of world thinkers, passionate about success, travel and new experiences have caused such concern? i know we aren't the most frugal people to ever grace the face of the planet; but most of us are living on our own, making a small living, gradually paying off debt AND managing to learn more about this place we like to call the world.

if you are and adult worrying about your twentysomething's irresponsible spending, travel ambitions or debt repayment plan, let me give you some advice: stop worrying, nagging, and sending reminder e-mails. the only way for a child to learn is to learn for themselves. stop checking their bank account, watching for the debt to drop 20 grand by next sunday. stop lying awake in bed for hours at night picturing the collectors coming to call. stop giving fruitless advice that actually makes us want to run quickly in the opposite direction.


give us a chance. to grow up. to learn ourselves. to prove you wrong.

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