Tuesday, November 06, 2007

in case you've forgotten...

i definitely DO live in mexico:

-there are very large bugs that live in my room.
-when kids go trick or treating, they don't have snowsuits under their costumes. they chant "halloween, halloween!" and get candy launched at them.
-swarms of ants attack any little crum of food that is left out.
-when we crossed back into mexico on saturday i accidentally showed the wrong passport and no one noticed.
-the temperature drops a few degrees and all the kids come to school in parkas.

i definitely am a new teacher:

-report card marks were due this evening and i was still marking math work at 4 this afternoon.
-i have read math lessons WHILE teaching them.
-lunch break? what lunch break?
-i'm not yet bitter and jaded.
-i started telling my friends to "make a good choice" when reaching for another beer at a party.

i definitely DO live a crazy life.

-i went to south padre island for the weekend to go golfing and sunning. i was in the lonestar state. for only the WEEKEND.
-it is still t-shirt and capri weather. i still can't believe this one.
-i have stopped noticing or caring that i don't understand a single word my aerobics instructor says.
-to celebrate the end of trimester one, the adminstration served snacks, drinks, gave us personalized cards AND made a slide show with all our celebrations from the first third of the year. can you imagine? just for surviving three months.
-i am not (yet) a regular golfer but once i learned to make contact with the ball, i almost won the 'longest drive' competition!

sometimes i have to shake myself to remember that this all this crazy new mexican teacher thing is real.

quote of the day:
i am reading a book about communities. we are dicussing transportation.
miss sarah: "did you know we have a subway here in monterrey? who can tell me what a subway is?"
kid: "subway? isn't a subway a torta? [torta is spanish for sandwich]"

1 comment:

Irish Tim said...

You're golfing now....what is this nonsense!!...longest drive???...very impressive....you could probably beat Steve by now anyway