Thursday, March 29, 2007

you know you're in mexico.


-ginny is the the whitest person everywhere.
-there is a pinata store at the end of my street.
-drivers believe stop signs (and red lights) are only suggestions.
-pedestrians are always a nuissance.
-you try to use french, and they stare at you blankly.
-there are more taco stands per capita then gas stations.
-blonds are always from the bottle or from out of country.
-backstreet boys and brian adams are still playing on the radio.
-soccer is the only acceptable extracurricular activity (and the only religion besides catholicism)
-children believe texas is a country.
-chili powder is the new salt and pepper.
-i am taller than every man in the country.
-loud talking is considered a quiet whisper.
-hair gell is a personal staple.
-tequila flows like water.
-you arrive at a party on time... and there is no one there.
-first communions are a bigger deal then weddings.
-you can sit outside on an afternoon in march and be hot!


Jessie said...

Oh, so you're the wise one on Gin'y blog that said 'say yes to everything!' Wise woman!! I love this's kinda like India too...except no blondes here except expats..but the fact of being taller than most men is the same for me too. I always say I never worry about my personal security a) because it's not scary here but b) because I am taller and stronger than most men here! You shoulda seen the look on the faces of two men when they were leering at me on a run and I decided to chase after them screaming 'assholes!' Heh. I am so funny...and India gets to me sometimes!! Love ya.

gulldogg said...

Czech Republic can trump Mexico: they still play Milli Vanilli on the radio here! Can you believe that!?