Tuesday, October 17, 2006

ms. fleming.

mr. fleming
mrs. meflemin
ms. flemingo
ms. fllemng

those are some of the random names that i have gotten from my jk/sk's over the past few weeks. until now, i never realized that fleming was a difficult word for little ones to say. i would LOVE to go by ms. sarah, but unfortunately, mme. sarah the french teacher stole the name first!

i am into week three of my practicum, and have settled nicely until my new routine. i struggle through my groggy, painful mornings and the hour of traffic on the way home. i have had two colds in three weeks, and can't remember the last time i was this tired by 8 o'clock at night. is this my daily routine for the rest of my life? if my day from 6 am to 6 pm is dedicated to getting up, teaching, and getting home, when do i live my life that is part of the so-called work/life balance? i have been neglecting the gym, neglecting e-mails and am seriously out of touch with anyone over the age of 5.

however, i have also never experienced a more rewarding day job. getting through to a particular child, watching their eyes light up as the light bulb goes off in their head -- their is nothing like it. i laugh more than i expected to, i am continually surprised by their observations and i have never heard so many i love you's.

how do i find a happy medium? there must be a way to enjoy the work week, and still find time for ourselves. and i don't even have a husband or child! this might not be something that i will be able to remedy until i have a class of my own.

for now, since it is already 9:30, i think i'll sleep on it. sigh. the crazy life of a teacher!

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